
Monday, April 30, 2012

How am I not bald?!

How am I not bald?! No seriously, I dye my hair a lot....I like to have fun bright colors, I like to dye it for special holidays, events, etc. This past weekend I had 3 different looks and oddly enough through it all, my hair is still healthy, thick and soft!
So for Saturday my hair was Teal/Brown for the comic con, Sunday I bleached it and was bright bleach blond/pale orange and then today I decided to try ginger! That's right ladies and gentlemen, I dyed away my soul today! ;) hehe

Anyways, check it out!

I should have some new art work up soon as well, I will be doing a big trade show in June so I will be working on alot for that as well as getting the rest of my daughters birthday stuff ready!

Until next time, same bat time, same bat blog! ...err yea :D I'm tired...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cookie Monster Pots & Comic Con 2012!

Hello Ladies and Gents!
This past weekend was a geektastic weekend for me and I managed to get more of the stuff for Ps Cookie Monster Birthday done. Ok, lets start with the Cookie Monster Pots. I did 3 pots, 2 small and one larger and they are going to serve as a kind of cookie/cake stand. The 2 smalled ones with have a pizza pan on top of each with a giant baked cookie with blue chips and the larger one will have the Cookie Monster themed cake place on top of it. I can't wait to see it all put together on the big day!

Cute, right? Happy with these!

Ok, now on to the Geektasticness of my weekend! I finally...FINALLY got to attend the Calgary Comic Expo. I have wanted to go for the past 2 years but was pregnant both times and as I have mentioned in the past...I am NOT a pleasant preggers lady, lol, so going to a crowded place was not an option. This year though, I am done having babies and my best friend and I bought our tickets ahead of time so that we could go and enjoy the day. My lovely sister watched my babies for the day (Daddy had to work) and we were off!

This was a very cool, very hectic experience. This year the Calgary Fire Marshal actually had to close the doors to the event for awhile due to being over capacity! I was extremely glad that we got in early and were able to enjoy the day (minus some hectic line ups and a little lack of organization).

All in all, we had a great time checking out the Cos-players, the merchandise, creeping the celebrities that were there and best of all, having our pic taken with James Marsters! That was a most excellent moment, and naturally it is the one pic of many that I was in that day, that I look like a complete moron while my beautiful best friend looks born for the camera.I still love it though and couldn't be happier, super nice guy and we also met some fellow geeks in our line-up that made the wait actually fairly entertaining. They told us a sneaky secret to getting the best bang for their buck at the Con and while I won't divulge this sneakiness, I will say, I will we had done it to!

Ok, enough rambling....on to pictures! Enjoy some pics of the 2012 Calgary Expo as experienced by one geeky girl andher best friend! :D

Katee Sackhoff, love her!

We have cute hats! lol

The Weasley Twins!

Mehz in her fabulous new coat :)

We were only a little excited.... :D
Amazing Artwork by Jason Palmer of 2 of my Favs and one for the hubby!
Angel puppet!
Okay, so I have a few more pics that I wanted to add from the Expo but Blogger seems to be haing issues today, so I will upload them another day! Enjoy for now!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fancy Pants Birthday Candles

It is getting close to that time of year again, my little girls birthday! We are celebrating her 2nd birthday and the theme of her party this year will be.....Cookie Monster!!! Everything, well almost everything will be blue and cookie themed, lol. I will also be attempting to make Ps dress for her party. I have bought the fabric and everything I need, it is now just a matter of having the time and courage to make it!

I have all these ideas and plans for how I plan on doing this themed birthday and I think it is going to be a lot of fun! There will be tons of pictures to follow after her party ( at the end of May) to show how it all came together, but I will post a few teasers between now and then of some of the stuff I am working on.

Today I will post her candle, I saw the idea on pinterest, loved it and naturally had to try it! Unfortunately, when I went to copy the link to post, I was met with a message saying that the page isn't there anymore. So you'll just have to go from mine, lol. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

So it's been a week or 3 since I last posted, but life has been pretty busy!
Today I took my kidlets to a mini trade show at a Recreation Center by my house and it was actually really great! I didn't know when I packed the kids up and headed out today that it was in fact a trade show, I just had heard that there would be a bounce house and pictures with Tender Heart Care Bear, so naturally, we had to check it out.
P got a some goodies while we there and I may have also bought her 2 adorable little headbands! There wasn't a ton of stuff I could have bought for T, so he got some stuff later after the trade show, lol.

Check out our wonderful Sunday!

Cuteness!!!! Check them out at

Smelling her balloon flower

Picture with Tender Heart! I will add the photographers info when I get the professional pic! :)

Star Wars Stud

Modeling his new sunglasses...and feet!

New hat!

P passed out on the ride home with her giant Patchy-Patch

There isn't even a caption for how cute this is!

P was playing in the yard with Uncle Ryans pup, Ember.

Chasing Ember....or trying to anyways, lol.

Playing with her Gaint Patchy-Patch from Gramma @ Gramma and Papas. :)

Well, that's pretty much it for now, but I will be posting alot more in the near future as I will be working on more projects for trade shows, etc.

Enjoy the sun!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Peanut Butter Krispy Squares!

Today, in the my lovely home city of Calgary, AB it is pouring rain and cold. How pleasant right?  Well it's not so terrible, if you are lucky enough to be at home with your babies and want to try out a new and simple dessert!
Being that I am lucky enough to have these exact circumstances, P and I set out to make some tasty dessert for tonight! This is yet another recipe I found off of Pinterest and below you will find the link. :)

We will also be trying out another recipe I found on-line tonight for dinner. I will post back tomorrow with an update on how it went, pictures and let you know if the dessert was as tasty as I'm guessing it will be! :)

Until then, Ciao!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend :)

It was a fun but very busy Easter weekend! We started off with dinner on Friday night out at my parents place, my sister and her kids and hubby were there to! I adore family get togethers, so much laughter, fun and love. :) Plus, my niece is a natural pro with babies and I get a little break! ;)

Next up, my fabulous hubby and I took the kids to the pool on the Saturday. It was T's first time and though he was weary of this giant bathtub at first, he quickly decided that sitting in the warm water with Daddy was just fine by him. All the while, P and I were splashing and playing and having a blast, we even went and checked out the waves. kid has no fear!

Sunday held a nice quiet relaxing day for my little family, we watched movies and enjoyed naps. All after the egg hunt of course! The Easter Bunny did make a stop at our house and left the kiddlets some little goodies!
After all the wonderful lounging, I actually went and saw The Hunger Games with my little Bro. I definitely enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the following movies! :)

Last but certainly not least, last night I went to my first fresh meat practice with the CCRD.

I am sore today, lol. Skating at Llyods, while super fun and a decent work out if your there for a few hours, did not prepare me for this first practice. It was fun and I learnt alot of things that I knew I had to learn, but thought would be easy. Different falls, and hits and going backwards (not my strong suit) and I did it all with knee buggered up. Not a smart thing to have done in hindsight but I am still really glad I went, all humility aside. :) I will be going back next week, the people are extremely nice and I can't wait to get good!

So, I haven't got much crafting done, but I did do some fun Devilled Eggs! So I will leave off with a pic of those and some of the other goodness the weekend held.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Big Girl Bed and First Show

So, first things first! I went to the mini trade show at Foxys on Monday night in hopes of selling some of my stuff and getting my name out there! I think had anyone really come I could have done well, but as it was the very first time they had a show, it went mostly unnoticed. I did have the opportunity to meet some really nice ladies though who were other vendors.
I plan to keep snooping out different craft shows and Farmers Markets, I am determined to get my name and work out there. I've also set up a PayPal account! :)

Boy and Girl Baby Shower Gifts and my Feather Wand Collection.

My little set up at the show :)

Next up! My little girl now has her own big girl bed and she loves it! :) It kind of trips me out to be perfectly honest, lol. When did I go from not being able to believe I'm getting married or pregnant, to having 2 kids, one in her big girl bed and the other crawling like a pro?! Le sigh, but I am an extremely proud Mommy.

Once it was all set up, we couldn't get her out! lol :)

Also, I bought my mouth guard today, plan on skating at Llyods tomorrow night and then going on Monday to try for Fresh Meat team with the Chinook City Roller Derby team in Calgary! :) Woot! :)

That's all for now, I bid you adew! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

More Derby Stuffs & Ladies Night at Foxys

To say that I have been busy this past while is a HUGE understatement. I have recently been pursuing Roller Derby in a big way. My friend and I have been going skating every Friday night and then this past Wednesday I went and met some of the fabulous ladies from the Foothills Roller Derby Association. While there I had the chance to see how the girls skate and it just fueled my want to to play that much more! It also was the night I got my first decent rink rash and damn, it hurt! lol. I defiantly made sure to wear all my gear for protection on the Friday night! That night I also met a skater from the Chinook Roller Derby team, and she was at the rink the following Friday as well.
So far every Derby Girl I have met has been incredibly nice and welcoming! The girl from Chinook Citys name ( skate name) is Panty Bandit and she told she was going to call me Sparkle n' Shine because of my light up wheels, lol, I told her I was good with that.
So now here is my dilemma, from the people that I have met and all the info, both teams seem amazing! My first thought was to go with Foothills because I grew up out in Okotoks and just seemed to make sense to me, but  then the more I think about it, practices in High River are kind of far to do weekly, whereas Chinook City practices right here in south Calgary. I wish I could do both! I will keep updates on how things go, this is all pending they want me! lol.

Check out the links to both leagues and some of the awesome stuff going on in the Derby world!

Next up in my crazy ass world, I am doing my first mini table/show selling my stuff! Foxys Bar and Grill in Okotoks in hosting a Ladies Night Shoping Night tomorrow night at 7 PM. I will be selling my wands and some baby shower gifts, as well as taking commissions. Mostly I am really just trying to get my company name out there and show people what I can do! If I managed to finally finished my derby helmet, it will be on display to!

2 Baby Shower Pots and a Hostess Gift for the lovely lady Sherry, who runs the Bar and Grill.

Now,  for something that has nothing to do with Art or Roller Derby! The hubby and I took our kids to the Calgary Zoo!! It was technically the 2nd time for both kids, but the first was Zoolights and there wasn't really any animal watching. This time around, T still didn't really do much other then enjoy his leasurely ride in his stroller but P had a blast checking out the animals! 

P got tired and wanted to ride with Tristan, so they had a drink together! :D