
Monday, March 5, 2012

Life is like a box of chocolate!

Okay, so maybe that quote doesn't have any philosophical relevance to my post today, I just like the saying...and I say it with Forrest Gumps voice in my head when I do!
Yesterday, a dear friend to me, brought me a pretty little box (that she made) and inside said pretty little box was 6 pretty little flower shaped dark chocolates! The fun part is that she also made the chocolate....from scratch! I don't have the recipe yet, but when I next talk to her I plan on asking if I can share it on my blog with all you lovelies!
In the mean time, I have have pretty little picture of both the box and the chocolates that she made!

You only see 3 chocolates...because I ate the other 3! Melt in your mouth goodness! <3
On another note, tonight I will be attempting to make a German dish called Rouladan for the first time! There will be a post up either later this evening or tomorrow to show how the whole process went and whether or not it was tasty...or if the local take out place needed to deliver!

Until then, ciao!

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