
Monday, March 19, 2012

Bunnies, Harleys and Name Changes! Oh My!

It has been a SUPER busy few days for me! My Dad and my brother in-law have their birthdays 2 days apart and I did the cakes for both and then I had a few more orders for magic wands.
I find that trying to keep schedule with writing my blog is dramatically effected by these 2 adorable little ankle biters I call my kids. Both of my kids are extra moody right now. We are still trying to get P to adjust to the new house, but she doesn't want to go to sleep in her room and she doesn't want to take a bath ( she doesn't like the new tub!)
My little T-rex is teething and he is also going through a growth spurt, yay cranky kids! lol. Luckily I have a fabulous husband who made sure I was uninterupted while doing my cakes.

Anyways, below are some pics of the cakes and then a fun pic of my little kidlets! Hope you enjoy and I hope to be back within the next few days with more finished projects AND my new business cards to show! I have decided with the increase in interest in my work, to try and actually get my business off the ground,hence the new name, Charmed By Choice!

My dads, and yes there is a story behind it being a bunny! lol.

First time using edible paper, must buy the proper tools for future use! lol

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