
Sunday, March 11, 2012

I won a Peeeeg! :)

The link above is a link to a world of complete and utter cuteness and talent. A friend of mine runs a home based company making crocheted cute little animals that are simply, melt your heart adorable.

Check out her site and check out the pics below of the fabulous Peeeeg (pig) that I won from her and how my sweet little P hijacked it!

Can you handle the cuteness!?

P, kissing zee peeeg. ( She adores it!)

In other news, my kids are so damn cute! This weekend we had fairly decent weather in Calgary, so my hubby and I took the kids out on Friday and today to play...well P played...T sat in his stroller and slept mostly. We went and checked out the lake that we have access to now that we are in the new place and then we went and played at the playground at the school where P will likely go to kindergarden. (shudder! she will stay my baby forever right!?)
Enjoy and I hope you all had fabulous weekends to! I am now off to fill and order for many wands! :)

My little diva, showing us her style!

T, beaming his heart breaker smile. :)

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